
Vitalzym Xe

Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $171.00.

10 in stock

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Understanding Vitalzym Side Effects and Recommended Dosage
Embarking on a journey to optimal health often involves exploring the potent effects of systemic enzymes like Vitalzym. These enzymes, catalysts for countless bodily reactions, work tirelessly, circulating through the blood, breaking down excess proteins and fostering a balance within our fluid systems. Alongside a glass of water, Vitalzym is touted not as a drug, but as a natural adjunct to support well-being. Understandably, embarking on this pathway requires knowledge of both the potential side effects and the appropriate dosage to ensure a safe experience. In this article, I'll guide you through everything you need to know before adding Vitalzym to your health regimen.
Key Takeaways
  • Vitalzym may assist with digestive and circulatory system health
  • Initial, Activation, and Maintenance Phases guide Vitalzym dosage adjustment
  • Professional advice is critical in Vitalzym's enzyme supplementation
  • Energetic Nutrition provides high-quality Vitalzym supplements and educational support
  • Monitoring the body's reaction to Vitalzym helps tailor personal health regimens
Three Phase Suggested Use for Vitalzym
Embarking on your Vitalzym regimen requires an understanding of the initial stages, where the body begins to acclimate to the introduction of protease enzymes crucial for digestion. During the first two weeks, often referred to as the 'Cleansing Phase,' pinpointing the right dosage for your system is critical. At this point, your dose revolves around accommodating your stomach as well as the broader gastrointestinal tract, ensuring comfort while kickstarting the process. It's a period of adjustment as these enzymes start working on accumulated waste, potentially revolutionizing your digestion. As we progress, we'll examine closely not just how to elevate your dosage effectively but also what sensations or changes may surface as your body undergoes this pivotal cleansing phase.
First Two Weeks - Cleansing Phase Suggested Dosage
When I step into the initial two weeks of integrating Vitalzym into my regimen, I'm acutely aware that these early days are instrumental in setting the stage for the dietary supplement to exert its effects. During this cleansing phase, I carefully start with a lower dosage, mindful of the delicate balance needed to enhance the efficacy of this potent digestive enzyme without overwhelming my system.
My primary intention is to gently introduce my body to the support Vitalzym provides, particularly for managing inflammation. With its unique blend containing protease enzymes and a stabilizing glycerol foundation, I'm on the lookout for subtle signals that indicate how well my body is adapting as I nudge the dosage upwards, always favoring a cautious approach to avoid any undue discomfort.
Progression of Cleansing/Detoxification With Enzymes
As the days advance, the intricate interplay between the enzymes kicks into a higher gear, intensifying the cleansing action throughout my body. A key ingredient, bromelain, steps into the limelight, targeting unwanted proteins with a precision that complements Vitalzym's starch-digesting capabilities, paving the way for a smoother detoxification process that supports my health goals.
Adapting the Vitalzym dosage to match this progression is akin to fine-tuning an instrument - it's an art in itself. My focus is on ensuring that the enzymes continue their therapeutic journey without overwhelming my system, a dance that requires attentive observation and responsiveness to the subtle changes within my body as it detoxifies.
What to Expect During the Initial Cleansing Phase
As my journey with Vitalzym unfolds, the initial weeks reveal the powerful effects these enzymes have on my circulatory system. Amid this first-phase encounter, I brace myself for potential changes, as the enzymes target the breakdown of detrimental tissue buildups that can impede optimal health.
Navigating this 'Cleansing Phase,' I remain vigilant as a patient observer within my own body, attuned to any sensations that may indicate an accelerated release of toxins. It is a period where the equilibrium of health tilts towards renewal, albeit with a watchful eye on maintaining harmony.
  • Starting with a cautious dosage to monitor bodily response.
  • Incrementally increasing the intake, balancing efficacy with personal comfort.
  • Observing changes within the circulatory system and tissue health.
It's worth mentioning, Vitalzym is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, a disclaimer that reflects the rigorous guidelines of the Food and Drug Administration. As someone committed to my health and well-being, I approach this detoxifying adventure with an open mind and a commitment to follow professional recommendations for the safest and most beneficial experience.
Activation Phase
Transitioning into the Activation Phase, I step confidently with increased Vitalzym doses designed to maximize the medicinal influence on my system. At this point, meticulous attention to dosage ensures that the enzymes—eager to tackle excess proteins responsible for inflammation—are not impeded, allowing my immune system to capitalize fully on the therapeutic benefits. I weave this addition into my regimen with the conscientiousness of someone handling medication, aware of Vitalzym’s interaction with other substances in my body. This phase proves crucial, especially if I'm on anticoagulant therapy or recovering from an injury, and thus calls for judicious management to bolster healing without adverse effects. Balancing the recommended dosages of Vitalzym Extra Strength is no trivial matter— here I focus on achieving an optimal state of health, guided by the nuanced needs of my own physiology.
Activation Phase Suggested Dosage
Moving forward into the Activation Phase, I increase my attention to the Vitalzym dosage, with the aim of reaching the full potential of the supplement's pain-relief capabilities. I judiciously adjust the number of capsules I take each day, monitoring the impact it has on reducing the fibrous tissue — fibrin — that can be responsible for pain and inflammation.
While I integrate this enzyme therapy into my daily life, I remain aware of how it interacts with other elements such as vitamin supplements and prescription medications like warfarin. My goal is to find the sweet spot where Vitalzym works seamlessly with my body's chemistry, relieving any discomfort without causing any disruptions or unintended side effects.
Suggested Use of Vitalzym Extra Strength:
In navigating the labyrinth of nutrition and enzyme supplementation, I avidly adhere to the guidelines provided by a qualified health professional when integrating Vitalzym Extra Strength into my regimen. By doing so, I ensure that each capsule's interplay with my body's unique acid-base balance supports my overall wellness.
Mindful that the enzyme serratiopeptidase is sensitive to heat, I store my Vitalzym Extra Strength in a cool, dry place to preserve its efficacy. Such meticulous care is part of how I maintain a disciplined approach to my health routine, fully harnessing the beneficial properties of this powerful systemic enzyme.
  • Seek guidance from a health professional for proper dosing.
  • Account for individual nutritional needs and body's acid-base balance.
  • Store Vitalzym in conditions that safeguard serratiopeptidase activity.
How to Take Vitalzym
Incorporating Vitalzym into my daily routine, I consistently take it on an empty stomach to maximize the enzymatic activity, especially important for proteolysis, the breakdown of proteins in the body. Doing so allows the pancreas to effectively allocate its resources without competing with the food in digestion, benefitting overall pancreatic health which is particularly significant for individuals managing diabetes.
Amid conversations with my physician, I gained insights into how amylase, another enzyme produced by the pancreas, is crucial in the process of starch breakdown. Still, Vitalzym's primary role complements this by focusing on proteins, which reassures me that taking Vitalzym won't interfere with my body’s natural carbohydrate digestion process.
As someone meticulously monitoring blood sugar levels due to diabetes, I've learned the importance of consulting my physician before adjusting Vitalzym dosage. The enzymes have far-reaching effects on various body systems, and their influence on the digestion process necessitates professional oversight to ensure that my health remains on track.
While embracing the benefits of Vitalzym, I remain conscious of its potency in facilitating proteolysis and respect the delicate balance my body strives to maintain. Understanding the profound role enzymes like amylase play in harmony with the pancreas has led me to a more mindful approach to supplementation, ensuring that my health regimen is precisely tailored to my needs.
How to Tell if Vitalzym Is Working
Feeling the impact of Vitalzym on my body involves a keen awareness of subtle shifts in metabolism and well-being. One of the first signs that Vitalzym is working can be an increase in energy levels, which underscores the supplement's ability to effectively enhance metabolic functions.
Thanks to the enteric coating on Vitalzym capsules, the enzymes reach my small intestine intact, where they can be thoroughly absorbed. When I observe fewer signs of inflammation and a generalized sense of relief, I credit the targeted delivery of the enzymes for catalyzing these improvements.
The presence of papain in Vitalzym promotes fibrinolysis, which plays a pivotal role in dissolving excess fibrin and potentially reducing the formation of scar tissue. My awareness of these changes is heightened as I notice an improvement in my skin's texture and a reduction in visible scars.
  • Attuned to metabolic enhancements signaling enzyme activity.
  • Recognizing the benefits of enteric-coated capsules for targeted enzyme delivery.
  • Observing papain's role in the natural process of fibrinolysis.
  • Noticing a visible improvement in scar appearance as fibrin levels balance.
The detailed monitoring of my body's response to Vitalzym provides me with a road map to gauge its effectiveness. As these signs accumulate: heightened energy, a decline in inflammation, and subtle yet meaningful changes in scar appearance, I confirm that Vitalzym has earned its place in my health regimen.
Maintenance Phase
As I enter the Maintenance Phase with Vitalzym, the core focus shifts toward sustaining the equilibrium achieved in the preceding stages. In this critical period, developing a dosage strategy that maintains the harmonious function between the enzymes and my body's nutritional needs is of utmost importance. This is particularly true in the aftermath of any infection, surgery, or when facing a syndrome causing an imbalance. Ensuring that the enzymes continue their beneficial work, chiefly within the small intestine—where absorption of nutrients is vital—I prepare myself to adapt to a long-term regimen. This phase demands careful calibration of the dose that is both effective and sensible, meant to support my healing journey while preempting potential overuse or deficiency.
Maintenance Phase Suggested Dosage
In advancing to the Maintenance Phase, I methodically include a probiotic to support the delicate ecosystem in my gut, where both Vitalzym and beneficial bacteria work synergistically to break down fat and maintain a robust digestive function. Staying true to this discipline ensures I'm nurturing not just enzymatic activity but also my overall gastrointestinal health.
While continuing my Vitalzym regimen, I'm ever-aware of any shifts in how my body processes carbohydrate or responds to potential allergens. Should I detect signs of imbalance—perhaps after recovering from a virus—I'm prepared to adjust the dosage thoughtfully, always mindful of fostering a harmonious internal environment.
What to Expect During the Maintenance Phase
Throughout the Maintenance Phase, I pay particular attention to how Vitalzym may be supporting my vein health. An improvement in this area could suggest beneficial effects on my cardiovascular system, potentially contributing to the prevention of complications like thrombus formation which is a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
Another aspect I monitor is the role of lipase in Vitalzym and its impact on my digestion of fats and regulation of sugar levels. Noticing a stable balance in these areas reassures me that the enzyme therapy is synergizing effectively with my body's natural processes, aiming to maintain a state of overall health and well-being.
Why Buy Vitalzym From Balanced Health Today?
Choosing Balanced Health Today for my Vitalzym purchase was a decision influenced by their dedication to providing high-quality supplements. Their thorough selection process ensures that every bottle contains a blend of enzymes derived from sources like papaya, which have been shown to promote the health of connective tissue and skin.
What's more, Balanced Health Today's commitment to education allows me to fully understand how Vitalzym can affect my body, particularly with regard to how it may interact with common medications like aspirin. This information is vital, considering the intricate role enzymes play in blood vessel health.
  • High-quality enzymes that support connective tissue and skin health.
  • Informative resources about Vitalzym and medication interactions.
  • Dedicated customer support for dosage recommendations.
  • Assurance of product authenticity and efficacy.
Their customer support team has been immensely helpful, offering personalized dosage recommendations based on my unique health needs. It's reassuring to know that I can turn to them for guidance, especially when trying to balance the effects of Vitalzym with other aspects of my wellness routine.
Finally, purchasing Vitalzym from Balanced Health Today means I receive authentic, effective products. They prioritize the integrity of what they sell, ensuring that I reap the full benefits of Vitalzym for my blood vessel function and skin maintenance.
Understanding the recommended dosage and potential side effects of Vitalzym is paramount for personal health and safety. Carefully starting with a low dose and gradually increasing it allows the body to acclimate and harness the full benefits of the enzymes. Being mindful of the body's responses during all phases—cleansing, activation, and maintenance—helps avoid discomfort and maximize efficacy. It remains essential to consult health professionals when integrating Vitalzym, especially when managing other health conditions or medications.
Vitalzym Xe - Professional Strength Systemic Enzymes 

Professional Strength Vitalzym Xe 
  • Vitalzym Xe is for professional use. It is nearly identical to Vitalzym Extra Strength, but it is TWICE as strong so you take less capsules. The blister pak differentiates it from Vitalzym Extra Strength's flip top can. You get 180 capsules with VitalzymXE and 360 capsules with Vitalzym Extra Strength. The price is the same, so you get the same amount of product for the same cos
  • Twice as strong as Vitalzym Extra Strength
  • Blister pak for stability and travel ease
  • Vegetarian
  • Non-GMO
Enzymes are the Building Blocks of Life
  • Supplementation with systemic enzymes may help the body to more efficiently regulate its metabolism, thereby reducing the physiological effects of aging. Vitälzym Xe is a unique blend of powerful systemic enzymes designed to assist the body’s normal metabolic processes.
  • Physicians in Europe and Asia have long prescribed systemic enzyme supplements to restore enzyme levels and promote natural healing. Combined with professional healthcare, proper diet, and exercise, Vitälzym Xe may help you to maintain proper enzyme levels and balance the body’s own repair mechanisms.
Proprietary Blend
  • VitälzymXe is recommended by healthcare professionals worldwide. The unique blend of vegetarian enzymes, flavonoids and antioxidants has been formulated for 100{93fa03e42c8690c0fb08cf216703a7f53f37f55e70735040133203d799fb69f3} absorption in the small intestine.
  • Serrapeptase, a key ingredient in VitälzymXe, was originally discovered in Japan and is commercially produced there for health applications. It has been used as a substitute for animal-derived enzymes (such as chymotrypsin) because of its stronger effect of decomposing bradykinin. Bradykinin is a protein found in the body that causes an inflammatory response.
  • For all conditions or illnesses, see a healthcare professional for a full evaluation, diagnosis or treatment plan.
Detoxification Effects
  • During the detoxification process, medications that have been stored in the liver may cause one to experience side effects that are related to its use and would not be considered a side effect from Vitalzym.
  • Please talk with a health care professional if you feel you may be having symptoms that are unrelated to detoxing. Detoxification effects that can occur when taking Vitalzym can include heart palpitations for some individuals.
  • If this occurs, you can reduce your dose to minimize the cleansing response.
  • If you do experience heart palpitations that you feel may be unrelated to detoxing, please consult with a health care professional.
Side Effects
  • Dr. Cichoke says, "There appear to be no side effects of long-term duration when taking oral enzymes.
  • Temporary side effects (that will disappear when therapy is discontinued or reduced); include changes in the color, consistency, and odor of the stool. Gastrointestinal disturbances, such as flatulence, a feeling of fullness, diarrhea, or nausea, may occur in individual cases, and minor allergic reactions (reddening of the skin) are rare and occur only with high doses."
  • He also goes on to say that no detriment has been associated with long term usage of supplemental enzymes and best results can be seen when doses are divided throughout the day rather than taken all at one time.
Made in Japan Under Japanese Manufacturing Guidelines
  • VitälzymXe is regulated by the Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau under the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan. This agency is the Japanese equivalent of the FDA of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Since VitälzymXe is regulated in Japan, it must adhere to manufacturing requirements that are far more stringent than dietary supplements manufactured in the United States. Supplements manufactured in the United States are considered food grade, and thus are not regulated as stringently as in Japan.
  • Quality control requirements of a licensed manufacturing facility in Japan are considered the most hygienic of any industry. Extreme measures are taken to avoid any possibility of contamination. Precautions include clean rooms, dust particle control, and sophisticated air filtration systems. During frequent site facility inspections, the government inspects all laboratory equipment and safety measures. Each inspection must be passed in order to retain the export licensure.
  • World Nutrition is also required to notify the Japanese Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau of any variance to the registered ingredient blend. Any blend change would require a new registration for export. Every batch of product must be inspected before and after mixing to test adherence to the registered blend. In addition, every lot of raw material received by our manufacturing facility must be tested independently of the supplier for safety, impurities, potency and accuracy. These records must be disclosed upon facility inspections.
  • These Japanese manufacturing guidelines unique to the manufacturing of VitälzymXe ensure that each and every capsule is of the utmost purity, potency and safety.
The Delivery System Benefits of Vitalzym
  • Looking at the delivery system refers to how the enzymes are manufactured, whether it is a powder inside a capsule, a tablet, or as an enteric coated capsule—which is the most effective, state of the art delivery system on the market today. Include liquid enzymes in that enteric coated capsule, and you have the most effective systemic enzyme product available.
  • Benefits of Liquid Enzymes
    1. Provides more uniform dose distribution of the enzymes
    2. Enzymes with a higher degree of purity and less moisture
    3. Low heat production to prevent enzyme activity loss
  • Benefits of Enteric Coating
    1.Protects capsule contents from acidic environments of stomach.
    2.After passing through the stomach, the capsule is easily broken down in pancreatic juices in the duodenum* (pH 6-8).
    3.Enables absorption of enzymes, at their highest activity levels, in the small intestine.
  • Proprietary blend contains: Bromelain, papain, rutin, amylase, protease, lipase, serrapeptase, and amla extract.
  • Medium-chain triglycerides
  • starch
  • glycerin
  • polysaccharides
  • pH resistant enteric coating
  • beeswax
  • glycerin fatty acid ester
  • riboflavin
  • soy lecithin* and citric acid.
  • Daily Value not established. Mg measures weight, not potency of quantity of ingredients.
Suggested Use – VitalzymXe
    • As a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules daily, or as recommended by your healthcare professional.
    • Take capsules at least 30 minutes before or after a meal, or any time in-between meals. Or, take an activation dose as recommended by a healthcare professional.

Important Note:

    • Though both Vitalzym and VitalzymXe state the suggest use is 3 capsules per day, VitalzymXe is about double the strength of new regular Vitalzym.
    • It has been formulated as professional strength for therapeutic purposes. Three capsules of VitalzymXe is equivalent to 6 capsules of regular Vitalzym.

Caution Regarding Serrapeptase:

  • People with bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia or a group of diseases called “hemorrhagic diathesis”, should not use this natural product.
  • People with ongoing bleeding problems, including ulcers, recent surgery, recent major trauma, or hemorrhoids also should not use serrapeptase.
  • Those with severe uncontrolled high blood pressure should also refrain from taking nattokinase and serrapeptase.
  • DO NOT take Vitalzym without the consent of your physician if you are lactating or currently taking prescription anticoagulants (blood thinners). As always, you should consult with a health care professional and/or pharmacist if you are taking prescription medications and would like to include dietary supplements into your regimen.
  • If you are pregnant, consult with a doctor prior to using.
  • If you are pregnant AND have uterine fibroids, do not take Vitalzym.
  • If you have bleeding ulcers, or are a hemophiliac, avoid using Vitalzym.
  • Discontinue use two weeks prior to surgery.
  • Anyone who has ever suffered intracranial (brain) bleeding, or who has had neurosurgery or ischemic stroke in the previous six months, should avoid these enzymes.

Vitalzym Xe

Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $171.00.

10 in stock

Categories: , ,
Understanding Vitalzym Side Effects and Recommended Dosage
Embarking on a journey to optimal health often involves exploring the potent effects of systemic enzymes like Vitalzym. These enzymes, catalysts for countless bodily reactions, work tirelessly, circulating through the blood, breaking down excess proteins and fostering a balance within our fluid systems. Alongside a glass of water, Vitalzym is touted not as a drug, but as a natural adjunct to support well-being. Understandably, embarking on this pathway requires knowledge of both the potential side effects and the appropriate dosage to ensure a safe experience. In this article, I'll guide you through everything you need to know before adding Vitalzym to your health regimen.
Key Takeaways
  • Vitalzym may assist with digestive and circulatory system health
  • Initial, Activation, and Maintenance Phases guide Vitalzym dosage adjustment
  • Professional advice is critical in Vitalzym's enzyme supplementation
  • Energetic Nutrition provides high-quality Vitalzym supplements and educational support
  • Monitoring the body's reaction to Vitalzym helps tailor personal health regimens
Three Phase Suggested Use for Vitalzym
Embarking on your Vitalzym regimen requires an understanding of the initial stages, where the body begins to acclimate to the introduction of protease enzymes crucial for digestion. During the first two weeks, often referred to as the 'Cleansing Phase,' pinpointing the right dosage for your system is critical. At this point, your dose revolves around accommodating your stomach as well as the broader gastrointestinal tract, ensuring comfort while kickstarting the process. It's a period of adjustment as these enzymes start working on accumulated waste, potentially revolutionizing your digestion. As we progress, we'll examine closely not just how to elevate your dosage effectively but also what sensations or changes may surface as your body undergoes this pivotal cleansing phase.
First Two Weeks - Cleansing Phase Suggested Dosage
When I step into the initial two weeks of integrating Vitalzym into my regimen, I'm acutely aware that these early days are instrumental in setting the stage for the dietary supplement to exert its effects. During this cleansing phase, I carefully start with a lower dosage, mindful of the delicate balance needed to enhance the efficacy of this potent digestive enzyme without overwhelming my system.
My primary intention is to gently introduce my body to the support Vitalzym provides, particularly for managing inflammation. With its unique blend containing protease enzymes and a stabilizing glycerol foundation, I'm on the lookout for subtle signals that indicate how well my body is adapting as I nudge the dosage upwards, always favoring a cautious approach to avoid any undue discomfort.
Progression of Cleansing/Detoxification With Enzymes
As the days advance, the intricate interplay between the enzymes kicks into a higher gear, intensifying the cleansing action throughout my body. A key ingredient, bromelain, steps into the limelight, targeting unwanted proteins with a precision that complements Vitalzym's starch-digesting capabilities, paving the way for a smoother detoxification process that supports my health goals.
Adapting the Vitalzym dosage to match this progression is akin to fine-tuning an instrument - it's an art in itself. My focus is on ensuring that the enzymes continue their therapeutic journey without overwhelming my system, a dance that requires attentive observation and responsiveness to the subtle changes within my body as it detoxifies.
What to Expect During the Initial Cleansing Phase
As my journey with Vitalzym unfolds, the initial weeks reveal the powerful effects these enzymes have on my circulatory system. Amid this first-phase encounter, I brace myself for potential changes, as the enzymes target the breakdown of detrimental tissue buildups that can impede optimal health.
Navigating this 'Cleansing Phase,' I remain vigilant as a patient observer within my own body, attuned to any sensations that may indicate an accelerated release of toxins. It is a period where the equilibrium of health tilts towards renewal, albeit with a watchful eye on maintaining harmony.
  • Starting with a cautious dosage to monitor bodily response.
  • Incrementally increasing the intake, balancing efficacy with personal comfort.
  • Observing changes within the circulatory system and tissue health.
It's worth mentioning, Vitalzym is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, a disclaimer that reflects the rigorous guidelines of the Food and Drug Administration. As someone committed to my health and well-being, I approach this detoxifying adventure with an open mind and a commitment to follow professional recommendations for the safest and most beneficial experience.
Activation Phase
Transitioning into the Activation Phase, I step confidently with increased Vitalzym doses designed to maximize the medicinal influence on my system. At this point, meticulous attention to dosage ensures that the enzymes—eager to tackle excess proteins responsible for inflammation—are not impeded, allowing my immune system to capitalize fully on the therapeutic benefits. I weave this addition into my regimen with the conscientiousness of someone handling medication, aware of Vitalzym’s interaction with other substances in my body. This phase proves crucial, especially if I'm on anticoagulant therapy or recovering from an injury, and thus calls for judicious management to bolster healing without adverse effects. Balancing the recommended dosages of Vitalzym Extra Strength is no trivial matter— here I focus on achieving an optimal state of health, guided by the nuanced needs of my own physiology.
Activation Phase Suggested Dosage
Moving forward into the Activation Phase, I increase my attention to the Vitalzym dosage, with the aim of reaching the full potential of the supplement's pain-relief capabilities. I judiciously adjust the number of capsules I take each day, monitoring the impact it has on reducing the fibrous tissue — fibrin — that can be responsible for pain and inflammation.
While I integrate this enzyme therapy into my daily life, I remain aware of how it interacts with other elements such as vitamin supplements and prescription medications like warfarin. My goal is to find the sweet spot where Vitalzym works seamlessly with my body's chemistry, relieving any discomfort without causing any disruptions or unintended side effects.
Suggested Use of Vitalzym Extra Strength:
In navigating the labyrinth of nutrition and enzyme supplementation, I avidly adhere to the guidelines provided by a qualified health professional when integrating Vitalzym Extra Strength into my regimen. By doing so, I ensure that each capsule's interplay with my body's unique acid-base balance supports my overall wellness.
Mindful that the enzyme serratiopeptidase is sensitive to heat, I store my Vitalzym Extra Strength in a cool, dry place to preserve its efficacy. Such meticulous care is part of how I maintain a disciplined approach to my health routine, fully harnessing the beneficial properties of this powerful systemic enzyme.
  • Seek guidance from a health professional for proper dosing.
  • Account for individual nutritional needs and body's acid-base balance.
  • Store Vitalzym in conditions that safeguard serratiopeptidase activity.
How to Take Vitalzym
Incorporating Vitalzym into my daily routine, I consistently take it on an empty stomach to maximize the enzymatic activity, especially important for proteolysis, the breakdown of proteins in the body. Doing so allows the pancreas to effectively allocate its resources without competing with the food in digestion, benefitting overall pancreatic health which is particularly significant for individuals managing diabetes.
Amid conversations with my physician, I gained insights into how amylase, another enzyme produced by the pancreas, is crucial in the process of starch breakdown. Still, Vitalzym's primary role complements this by focusing on proteins, which reassures me that taking Vitalzym won't interfere with my body’s natural carbohydrate digestion process.
As someone meticulously monitoring blood sugar levels due to diabetes, I've learned the importance of consulting my physician before adjusting Vitalzym dosage. The enzymes have far-reaching effects on various body systems, and their influence on the digestion process necessitates professional oversight to ensure that my health remains on track.
While embracing the benefits of Vitalzym, I remain conscious of its potency in facilitating proteolysis and respect the delicate balance my body strives to maintain. Understanding the profound role enzymes like amylase play in harmony with the pancreas has led me to a more mindful approach to supplementation, ensuring that my health regimen is precisely tailored to my needs.
How to Tell if Vitalzym Is Working
Feeling the impact of Vitalzym on my body involves a keen awareness of subtle shifts in metabolism and well-being. One of the first signs that Vitalzym is working can be an increase in energy levels, which underscores the supplement's ability to effectively enhance metabolic functions.
Thanks to the enteric coating on Vitalzym capsules, the enzymes reach my small intestine intact, where they can be thoroughly absorbed. When I observe fewer signs of inflammation and a generalized sense of relief, I credit the targeted delivery of the enzymes for catalyzing these improvements.
The presence of papain in Vitalzym promotes fibrinolysis, which plays a pivotal role in dissolving excess fibrin and potentially reducing the formation of scar tissue. My awareness of these changes is heightened as I notice an improvement in my skin's texture and a reduction in visible scars.
  • Attuned to metabolic enhancements signaling enzyme activity.
  • Recognizing the benefits of enteric-coated capsules for targeted enzyme delivery.
  • Observing papain's role in the natural process of fibrinolysis.
  • Noticing a visible improvement in scar appearance as fibrin levels balance.
The detailed monitoring of my body's response to Vitalzym provides me with a road map to gauge its effectiveness. As these signs accumulate: heightened energy, a decline in inflammation, and subtle yet meaningful changes in scar appearance, I confirm that Vitalzym has earned its place in my health regimen.
Maintenance Phase
As I enter the Maintenance Phase with Vitalzym, the core focus shifts toward sustaining the equilibrium achieved in the preceding stages. In this critical period, developing a dosage strategy that maintains the harmonious function between the enzymes and my body's nutritional needs is of utmost importance. This is particularly true in the aftermath of any infection, surgery, or when facing a syndrome causing an imbalance. Ensuring that the enzymes continue their beneficial work, chiefly within the small intestine—where absorption of nutrients is vital—I prepare myself to adapt to a long-term regimen. This phase demands careful calibration of the dose that is both effective and sensible, meant to support my healing journey while preempting potential overuse or deficiency.
Maintenance Phase Suggested Dosage
In advancing to the Maintenance Phase, I methodically include a probiotic to support the delicate ecosystem in my gut, where both Vitalzym and beneficial bacteria work synergistically to break down fat and maintain a robust digestive function. Staying true to this discipline ensures I'm nurturing not just enzymatic activity but also my overall gastrointestinal health.
While continuing my Vitalzym regimen, I'm ever-aware of any shifts in how my body processes carbohydrate or responds to potential allergens. Should I detect signs of imbalance—perhaps after recovering from a virus—I'm prepared to adjust the dosage thoughtfully, always mindful of fostering a harmonious internal environment.
What to Expect During the Maintenance Phase
Throughout the Maintenance Phase, I pay particular attention to how Vitalzym may be supporting my vein health. An improvement in this area could suggest beneficial effects on my cardiovascular system, potentially contributing to the prevention of complications like thrombus formation which is a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
Another aspect I monitor is the role of lipase in Vitalzym and its impact on my digestion of fats and regulation of sugar levels. Noticing a stable balance in these areas reassures me that the enzyme therapy is synergizing effectively with my body's natural processes, aiming to maintain a state of overall health and well-being.
Why Buy Vitalzym From Balanced Health Today?
Choosing Balanced Health Today for my Vitalzym purchase was a decision influenced by their dedication to providing high-quality supplements. Their thorough selection process ensures that every bottle contains a blend of enzymes derived from sources like papaya, which have been shown to promote the health of connective tissue and skin.
What's more, Balanced Health Today's commitment to education allows me to fully understand how Vitalzym can affect my body, particularly with regard to how it may interact with common medications like aspirin. This information is vital, considering the intricate role enzymes play in blood vessel health.
  • High-quality enzymes that support connective tissue and skin health.
  • Informative resources about Vitalzym and medication interactions.
  • Dedicated customer support for dosage recommendations.
  • Assurance of product authenticity and efficacy.
Their customer support team has been immensely helpful, offering personalized dosage recommendations based on my unique health needs. It's reassuring to know that I can turn to them for guidance, especially when trying to balance the effects of Vitalzym with other aspects of my wellness routine.
Finally, purchasing Vitalzym from Balanced Health Today means I receive authentic, effective products. They prioritize the integrity of what they sell, ensuring that I reap the full benefits of Vitalzym for my blood vessel function and skin maintenance.
Understanding the recommended dosage and potential side effects of Vitalzym is paramount for personal health and safety. Carefully starting with a low dose and gradually increasing it allows the body to acclimate and harness the full benefits of the enzymes. Being mindful of the body's responses during all phases—cleansing, activation, and maintenance—helps avoid discomfort and maximize efficacy. It remains essential to consult health professionals when integrating Vitalzym, especially when managing other health conditions or medications.
Vitalzym Xe - Professional Strength Systemic Enzymes 

Professional Strength Vitalzym Xe 
  • Vitalzym Xe is for professional use. It is nearly identical to Vitalzym Extra Strength, but it is TWICE as strong so you take less capsules. The blister pak differentiates it from Vitalzym Extra Strength's flip top can. You get 180 capsules with VitalzymXE and 360 capsules with Vitalzym Extra Strength. The price is the same, so you get the same amount of product for the same cos
  • Twice as strong as Vitalzym Extra Strength
  • Blister pak for stability and travel ease
  • Vegetarian
  • Non-GMO
Enzymes are the Building Blocks of Life
  • Supplementation with systemic enzymes may help the body to more efficiently regulate its metabolism, thereby reducing the physiological effects of aging. Vitälzym Xe is a unique blend of powerful systemic enzymes designed to assist the body’s normal metabolic processes.
  • Physicians in Europe and Asia have long prescribed systemic enzyme supplements to restore enzyme levels and promote natural healing. Combined with professional healthcare, proper diet, and exercise, Vitälzym Xe may help you to maintain proper enzyme levels and balance the body’s own repair mechanisms.
Proprietary Blend
  • VitälzymXe is recommended by healthcare professionals worldwide. The unique blend of vegetarian enzymes, flavonoids and antioxidants has been formulated for 100{93fa03e42c8690c0fb08cf216703a7f53f37f55e70735040133203d799fb69f3} absorption in the small intestine.
  • Serrapeptase, a key ingredient in VitälzymXe, was originally discovered in Japan and is commercially produced there for health applications. It has been used as a substitute for animal-derived enzymes (such as chymotrypsin) because of its stronger effect of decomposing bradykinin. Bradykinin is a protein found in the body that causes an inflammatory response.
  • For all conditions or illnesses, see a healthcare professional for a full evaluation, diagnosis or treatment plan.
Detoxification Effects
  • During the detoxification process, medications that have been stored in the liver may cause one to experience side effects that are related to its use and would not be considered a side effect from Vitalzym.
  • Please talk with a health care professional if you feel you may be having symptoms that are unrelated to detoxing. Detoxification effects that can occur when taking Vitalzym can include heart palpitations for some individuals.
  • If this occurs, you can reduce your dose to minimize the cleansing response.
  • If you do experience heart palpitations that you feel may be unrelated to detoxing, please consult with a health care professional.
Side Effects
  • Dr. Cichoke says, "There appear to be no side effects of long-term duration when taking oral enzymes.
  • Temporary side effects (that will disappear when therapy is discontinued or reduced); include changes in the color, consistency, and odor of the stool. Gastrointestinal disturbances, such as flatulence, a feeling of fullness, diarrhea, or nausea, may occur in individual cases, and minor allergic reactions (reddening of the skin) are rare and occur only with high doses."
  • He also goes on to say that no detriment has been associated with long term usage of supplemental enzymes and best results can be seen when doses are divided throughout the day rather than taken all at one time.
Made in Japan Under Japanese Manufacturing Guidelines
  • VitälzymXe is regulated by the Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau under the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan. This agency is the Japanese equivalent of the FDA of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Since VitälzymXe is regulated in Japan, it must adhere to manufacturing requirements that are far more stringent than dietary supplements manufactured in the United States. Supplements manufactured in the United States are considered food grade, and thus are not regulated as stringently as in Japan.
  • Quality control requirements of a licensed manufacturing facility in Japan are considered the most hygienic of any industry. Extreme measures are taken to avoid any possibility of contamination. Precautions include clean rooms, dust particle control, and sophisticated air filtration systems. During frequent site facility inspections, the government inspects all laboratory equipment and safety measures. Each inspection must be passed in order to retain the export licensure.
  • World Nutrition is also required to notify the Japanese Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau of any variance to the registered ingredient blend. Any blend change would require a new registration for export. Every batch of product must be inspected before and after mixing to test adherence to the registered blend. In addition, every lot of raw material received by our manufacturing facility must be tested independently of the supplier for safety, impurities, potency and accuracy. These records must be disclosed upon facility inspections.
  • These Japanese manufacturing guidelines unique to the manufacturing of VitälzymXe ensure that each and every capsule is of the utmost purity, potency and safety.
The Delivery System Benefits of Vitalzym
  • Looking at the delivery system refers to how the enzymes are manufactured, whether it is a powder inside a capsule, a tablet, or as an enteric coated capsule—which is the most effective, state of the art delivery system on the market today. Include liquid enzymes in that enteric coated capsule, and you have the most effective systemic enzyme product available.
  • Benefits of Liquid Enzymes
    1. Provides more uniform dose distribution of the enzymes
    2. Enzymes with a higher degree of purity and less moisture
    3. Low heat production to prevent enzyme activity loss
  • Benefits of Enteric Coating
    1.Protects capsule contents from acidic environments of stomach.
    2.After passing through the stomach, the capsule is easily broken down in pancreatic juices in the duodenum* (pH 6-8).
    3.Enables absorption of enzymes, at their highest activity levels, in the small intestine.
  • Proprietary blend contains: Bromelain, papain, rutin, amylase, protease, lipase, serrapeptase, and amla extract.
  • Medium-chain triglycerides
  • starch
  • glycerin
  • polysaccharides
  • pH resistant enteric coating
  • beeswax
  • glycerin fatty acid ester
  • riboflavin
  • soy lecithin* and citric acid.
  • Daily Value not established. Mg measures weight, not potency of quantity of ingredients.
Suggested Use – VitalzymXe
    • As a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules daily, or as recommended by your healthcare professional.
    • Take capsules at least 30 minutes before or after a meal, or any time in-between meals. Or, take an activation dose as recommended by a healthcare professional.

Important Note:

    • Though both Vitalzym and VitalzymXe state the suggest use is 3 capsules per day, VitalzymXe is about double the strength of new regular Vitalzym.
    • It has been formulated as professional strength for therapeutic purposes. Three capsules of VitalzymXe is equivalent to 6 capsules of regular Vitalzym.

Caution Regarding Serrapeptase:

  • People with bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia or a group of diseases called “hemorrhagic diathesis”, should not use this natural product.
  • People with ongoing bleeding problems, including ulcers, recent surgery, recent major trauma, or hemorrhoids also should not use serrapeptase.
  • Those with severe uncontrolled high blood pressure should also refrain from taking nattokinase and serrapeptase.
  • DO NOT take Vitalzym without the consent of your physician if you are lactating or currently taking prescription anticoagulants (blood thinners). As always, you should consult with a health care professional and/or pharmacist if you are taking prescription medications and would like to include dietary supplements into your regimen.
  • If you are pregnant, consult with a doctor prior to using.
  • If you are pregnant AND have uterine fibroids, do not take Vitalzym.
  • If you have bleeding ulcers, or are a hemophiliac, avoid using Vitalzym.
  • Discontinue use two weeks prior to surgery.
  • Anyone who has ever suffered intracranial (brain) bleeding, or who has had neurosurgery or ischemic stroke in the previous six months, should avoid these enzymes.
Vitalzym Xe
$199.00 Original price was: $199.00.$171.00Current price is: $171.00.
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