Pancremet: Trophoblast detox



The trophoblast, which becomes the placenta, has a lot of similarities to Feral Tissue.   For the first 56 days, it grows quickly, invades local tissue,  has accelerated blood vessel growth. lacks of contact inhibition and both have low voltage.  At day 56, fetal pancreatic enzymes turn all this behavior off.  For more information, look at the works of Dr.s Beard, Kelly and Gonzales.

Ingredients: Trypsinogen and Chymotrypsin (precursor forms) in a liposomal base.

Liposomal pancreatic enzymes

Pancremet: Trophoblast detox



The trophoblast, which becomes the placenta, has a lot of similarities to Feral Tissue.   For the first 56 days, it grows quickly, invades local tissue,  has accelerated blood vessel growth. lacks of contact inhibition and both have low voltage.  At day 56, fetal pancreatic enzymes turn all this behavior off.  For more information, look at the works of Dr.s Beard, Kelly and Gonzales.

Ingredients: Trypsinogen and Chymotrypsin (precursor forms) in a liposomal base.

Liposomal pancreatic enzymes

Pancremet: Trophoblast detox
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