Endosterol: Prostate Support


38 in stock

SKU: Endosterol Categories: , ,
Product Video:

  • Endosterol suppositories contain beta-sitosterol, saw palmetto, pumpkin seed, dandelion, ellagic acid and Mg Di-K EDTA. Beta sitosterol is both an aromatase and 5-alpha reductase inhibitor thus decreasing the conversion of testosterone to both estrogen and Di-hydro testosterone.
  • Ellagic acid may support apoptosis in prostates with pathological changes.
  • Due to the rectum’s immediate proximity to the prostate, Endosterol may deliver its benefits much more efficiently than oral preparations

Female Health
  • While saw palmetto is well known for its beneficial effects on the prostate, it has a long history of being used for female disorders as well.
  • Saw palmetto may support women’s bodies in with issues associated with fertility, milk flow, libido, menstrual irregularities, fluid retention and pelvic inflammation.

Hair Loss
  • Excessive levels of Di-Hydro Testosterone (DHT) has been associated with male hair loss.
  • DHT is created by the action of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase on normal testosterone and levels increase with age.
  • Beta-sitosterol is a natural 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor and may help slow and/or reverse hair loss by reducing DHT levels in the body.

  • In nature, the inflammation pathway is controlled through the fats and oils in our diet.
  • Certain oils and fats increase inflammation and others decrease it.
  • Both saw palmetto and pumpkin seed extracts have been shown to support decreased inflammation via inhibition of the COX and lipoxygenase pathways.

  • Beta sitosterol has been clinically shown to both decrease LDL cholesterol as well as lower triglyceride levels.
  • Beta-sitosterol is also an excellent adjunctive therapy to chelation as it has been shown to decrease the fatty component of atherosclerotic plaque.
  • A proprietary blend of plant sterols
  • saw palmetto oil
  • quercetin
  • dandelion
  • pumpkin seed
  • ellagic acid
  • gingko biloba and magnesium di-potassium EDTA in a base of organic cocoa butter.
  • For Rectal Use Only.
  • Use Following Bowl a Movement
  • Use Refrigerate Before Using.
  • To Separate Supporties, Tear the Plastic Shells lengthwise along their Perforations.
  • To Open a Suppository, pull the Plastic tabs apart at the pointed end.
  • Apply a Light coating of vaseline to the suppository before insertion.
  • Insert the suppository past sphincter muscle.
  • Try to wait 15 to 20 minutes before another bowel movement.
  • Broken suppositories may be reheated in their shells in a ziplock bag in warm water until melted and then reformed in refrigerator.
  • Ocasional air bubbles in suppository are normal and do not indicate a loss of product.
  • Use Every third day or as directed by your health care provider.
How to Use:
  • Empty bowels first if necessary then wash your hands
  • Read the label to verify the correct supplement to be inserted.
  • Carefully remove the wrapper to avoid deforming or breaking the suppository.
  • If you are right handed, assume a left side-lying position and bring your right knee towards your chest. If left handed, lie on the right side and raise your left knee instead.
  • Using your dominant hand, slowly and gently insert the suppository, pointed tip first, into the rectum. Use your finger to bring it an inch and 1/2 to 2 inches inside the rectum. Hold it in place for a few seconds then remove your finger. Pull up with the sphincter muscles.
  • No need to eliminate the suppository, but it is very important to hold at least 30 minutes as it will dissolve and absorb in the body. You can move around and do what you want after you insert it. After 30 minutes if you need to go to the bathroom that is fine but no need to eliminate the suppository. To repeat, there is no need to release the suppository as it will absorb completely into the body as there are no artificial binders, fillers or preservatives in our product.
  • Stand up and wash your hands again thoroughly. Try not to empty your bowels during the next hour.
  • Keep out of the reach of children
  • Do not use if pregnant or nursing.

Endosterol: Prostate Support


38 in stock

SKU: Endosterol Categories: , ,
Product Video:

  • Endosterol suppositories contain beta-sitosterol, saw palmetto, pumpkin seed, dandelion, ellagic acid and Mg Di-K EDTA. Beta sitosterol is both an aromatase and 5-alpha reductase inhibitor thus decreasing the conversion of testosterone to both estrogen and Di-hydro testosterone.
  • Ellagic acid may support apoptosis in prostates with pathological changes.
  • Due to the rectum’s immediate proximity to the prostate, Endosterol may deliver its benefits much more efficiently than oral preparations

Female Health
  • While saw palmetto is well known for its beneficial effects on the prostate, it has a long history of being used for female disorders as well.
  • Saw palmetto may support women’s bodies in with issues associated with fertility, milk flow, libido, menstrual irregularities, fluid retention and pelvic inflammation.

Hair Loss
  • Excessive levels of Di-Hydro Testosterone (DHT) has been associated with male hair loss.
  • DHT is created by the action of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase on normal testosterone and levels increase with age.
  • Beta-sitosterol is a natural 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor and may help slow and/or reverse hair loss by reducing DHT levels in the body.

  • In nature, the inflammation pathway is controlled through the fats and oils in our diet.
  • Certain oils and fats increase inflammation and others decrease it.
  • Both saw palmetto and pumpkin seed extracts have been shown to support decreased inflammation via inhibition of the COX and lipoxygenase pathways.

  • Beta sitosterol has been clinically shown to both decrease LDL cholesterol as well as lower triglyceride levels.
  • Beta-sitosterol is also an excellent adjunctive therapy to chelation as it has been shown to decrease the fatty component of atherosclerotic plaque.
  • A proprietary blend of plant sterols
  • saw palmetto oil
  • quercetin
  • dandelion
  • pumpkin seed
  • ellagic acid
  • gingko biloba and magnesium di-potassium EDTA in a base of organic cocoa butter.
  • For Rectal Use Only.
  • Use Following Bowl a Movement
  • Use Refrigerate Before Using.
  • To Separate Supporties, Tear the Plastic Shells lengthwise along their Perforations.
  • To Open a Suppository, pull the Plastic tabs apart at the pointed end.
  • Apply a Light coating of vaseline to the suppository before insertion.
  • Insert the suppository past sphincter muscle.
  • Try to wait 15 to 20 minutes before another bowel movement.
  • Broken suppositories may be reheated in their shells in a ziplock bag in warm water until melted and then reformed in refrigerator.
  • Ocasional air bubbles in suppository are normal and do not indicate a loss of product.
  • Use Every third day or as directed by your health care provider.
How to Use:
  • Empty bowels first if necessary then wash your hands
  • Read the label to verify the correct supplement to be inserted.
  • Carefully remove the wrapper to avoid deforming or breaking the suppository.
  • If you are right handed, assume a left side-lying position and bring your right knee towards your chest. If left handed, lie on the right side and raise your left knee instead.
  • Using your dominant hand, slowly and gently insert the suppository, pointed tip first, into the rectum. Use your finger to bring it an inch and 1/2 to 2 inches inside the rectum. Hold it in place for a few seconds then remove your finger. Pull up with the sphincter muscles.
  • No need to eliminate the suppository, but it is very important to hold at least 30 minutes as it will dissolve and absorb in the body. You can move around and do what you want after you insert it. After 30 minutes if you need to go to the bathroom that is fine but no need to eliminate the suppository. To repeat, there is no need to release the suppository as it will absorb completely into the body as there are no artificial binders, fillers or preservatives in our product.
  • Stand up and wash your hands again thoroughly. Try not to empty your bowels during the next hour.
  • Keep out of the reach of children
  • Do not use if pregnant or nursing.
Endosterol: Prostate Support
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