Rubeplex Cardio Vascular Detox

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As we discussed in the Medicardium, calcium accumulates in the soft tissues of the body as we get older, slowly turning us into stone.  This causes a loss of flexibility and function in the tissues and is one of the reasons why we age.

Another compound that accumulates in the body with age is Lipoprotein(a) or LPA for short.  Its part of the ‘bad’ cholesterol doctors talk about.  LPA functions like a glue and the body attaches it to any pieces of damaged collagen that it finds.   Collagen is the main structural protein of the body.  It’s what gives organs their shape and structure.   As person ages, collagen breaks down.  We can see this externally as wrinkles and sagging skin but it also happens internally in the organs.  As it does so, the body increases production and circulation of this glue, LPA to help reinforce our sagging biological infrastructure.



The most well known and dangerous result of excessive LPA is atherosclerosis where the LPA attaches aging collagen in the arteries and forms plaque, but in fact, collagen is found everywhere in the body so the problem is far more systemic.

LPA accumulates in all the organs of the body including the smaller branches of the circulatory system, namely the capillaries.

Symptoms that we normally attribute to aging such as increased sensitivity to cold weather, gradual loss of the senses, decreased endurance and aging skin are all explained by this gradual loss of blood flow to the body and the capillary bed.

If however, in addition to removing calcifications in the tissues, you are able to remove LPA glue from these smallest of blood vessels, you may find that much of what you thought was inevitable aging is indeed reversible.

To do this, 4 things must be accomplished.

First, we must directly address the cause of the increase of LPA.  This is due to damage to the collagen matrix by toxins in the bloodstream and low levels of Vitamin C.  Removing metal and chemical toxins has been discussed in the audios for Medicardium and Xeneplex respectively.   Increasing vitamin C levels

is easily addressed with taking 2-4 grams daily.

Secondly, we must bind to the LPA that is already in the blood stream so that it cannot continue to attach to damaged collagen at other locations.

Finally we must do the actual repair work.  We must regenerate and repair the damaged collagen network, not just temporarily glue it back together.

To do all this we must understand how LPA works.  Collagen is constructed from the amino acids lysine and proline.  When the collagen network becomes damaged, lysine and proline groups also become exposed.  LPA bonds specifically to these exposed lysine and proline groups acting as a kind of biological glue to seal the collagen back up.

This is a beautiful and brilliant short term solution but it has terrible long term effects.

Fossils of ancient men and women show that we rarely lived past 35 years of age so these side effect never manifested but now with people regularly living into their eighties and beyond the body’s response to damaged collagen, namely a systemic release LPA glue into the bloodstream becomes a real problem.

Let’s use a car analogy to explain this process.  Let’s say you’re driving your car and it has 30,000 miles on it.  Then, one fine day a hose gets a small leak.  You wrap it with some duct tape and continue your journey.  In another thousand miles, your car springs another leak and again you wrap it with duct tape.  In another thousand miles, another leak and more duct tape.  If you knew at 35,000 miles you wouldn’t be driving anymore, you could go on with these duct tape repairs for a few thousand miles more, no problem… but what happens when you find that you are still driving this same car at 40,000 miles and beyond.

At 40,000 miles not only are leaks happening more frequently, but some of the duct tape around the original leaks is falling apart so you reinforce it with more duct tape.  Soon you have growing balls of duct tape at various places under the hood of your car.

At 50,000 miles, the car just doesn’t drive like it used to.  The milage is getting worse.  It takes a while to warm up in the winter.  It makes funny noises.

At 60,000 miles on it, there’s duct tape and leaks everywhere.  It still drives, but it’s not as fun to drive as it used to be and high speeds are out of the question.

At 70,000 miles you keep the speed under 30 with your flashers on, and at 80,000 there is smoke coming from your hood and tailpipe.  If your car suddenly died on the side of the road, you wouldn’t be surprised.  If only you had properly maintained your car.   If you had brought it into a reputable auto shop they would have lifted the hood and seen the jury rigged duct tape around all the leaking hoses.  They would have removed all that tape, and properly fixed the leaks.  Then at 70,000 miles plus your car would still be humming down the road, a classic in great condition, not a smoking leaking mess.

Its the same with the human body.  At 30 years of age we start leaking but instead of duct tape, our body uses LPA.  Over time, more and more leaks accumulate needing more and more LPA and the earlier leaks get worse too.  The body’s answer?  Just put some more LPA on them.

In our late 40’s we might notice our eyesight getting worse, harder to focus.  That would be LPA in the eyes.  At 50 we might notice that cold weather bothers us more than before and wrinkles are accumulating.  That would be LPA in the capillary bed of the skin.

At 60, our minds might not be as sharp as they used to be.  That would be LPA in the brain.

Like the growing balls of duct tape in the car, LPA plaque in the body can grow in size up 40% per year as the body tries to deal with degenerating collagen.

If one day a big piece of LPA plaque breaks off and lodges in a main artery, it’s called a stroke.  Alternately, a piece of LPA plaque in a coronary artery grew so large that blood couldn’t get to the heart, we’d call that a heart attack.

This is why we’ve made Rubeplex.  It contains ingredients designed to bind to LPA, remove it fro the collagen, regenerate the collagen and dilate the capillary bed so the entire vascular system can be cleaned out.

If you only plan on only living to 35 like your stone age ancestors, then you don’t have to worry about the long term build up of LPA. If instead you want to be healthy and vital for your entire life, consider Rubeplex.

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