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Natural Full Body Detoxification Process : The Leading Medical Expert

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Our bodies are designed to fight off the toxins and dump them out of the body. But, the problem is that toxins burden is increasing on the body making them incapable to handle. If we do not want to face any serious illness down the road, it is important that we are aware what natural methods helps body detox effectively and what are the most effective and aggressive ways to detox.

Make sure that you read this article until the end if you want to clear your body off the stubborn toxins that are accumulated since years.

What is detoxification

Your body goes through the detoxification process daily. The body gets rid of toxins in the following ways:

Liver: The liver filters the blood, prevents toxins from entering it, and makes sure that toxins can be taken care of and excreted by all the other organs and also destroys toxins that we take in. For example, when you have food poisoning you will throw up, or with our diet, the body also builds up nitrogen when processing protein, the liver gets rid of the excess.

Skin: When you sweat, especially through exercise or using a sauna, your body excretes toxins.

Kidneys: Your kidneys filter your blood and the toxins (usually urea and ammonia) are then excreted in your urine. An example of this is when you drink alcohol. As the body sees it as a toxin (and it is essentially), you will then go to the bathroom more often to get rid of it.

Intestines: This is why it’s so important to keep your gut healthy. Healthy bacteria help to break down toxins. Your body also excretes waste through defecation. Toxins also get expelled the same way sometimes, as in the case with a stomach bug or food poisoning.

Lungs: Lungs make sure you have the correct balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide, but is also useful for filtering out toxins that we breathe in. Chelation And Heavy Metal Detoxification

Lymphatic system: A big part of your immune system is the lymphatic system. Together with your white blood cells, the lymph fluid and nodes work to get rid of any pathogens in your body.

Detoxing has gained a lot of hype because the toxic overload on the body is much more than the body’s ability to detox. So we need to give a helping hand to the liver. When you detox, you support the body’s own natural processes to get rid of the toxins.

The Three Phases of Detoxification

Phase I: This is where toxins are turned into less toxic substances or neutralized. This phase takes care of medication and recreational drugs. This is done by cytochrome P450, a group of enzymes. This happens in the liver as does phase II.

Phase II: This phase takes care of carcinogenic substances and heavy metals. They are transformed into less toxic substances to be excreted. This is done by an enzyme called glutathione in addition to superoxide dismutase (SOD). This is all regulated by a protein called nuclear factor erythroid-derived 2 (Nrf2) which controls antioxidant response.

Phase III: This is the phase where the toxins are removed from your body. Your liver, kidneys, gallbladder, respiratory system, intestines are all part of this process.

Brain Suffers the Most

Mixing up the names of people, starting to forget numbers, forgetting where keys are, not able to recall the name of the person you met last week are all signs of Toxic loads in the brain.

According to this study, the toxins that your body is unable to get rid of is stored in your fat cells. Your fat not only under your skin but the protective fat around your organs and in your blood too. Your brain is mostly made up of fat. Even when aggressive methods of detox are used, only around 30% is removed. the rest is still in the fat.

Losing excess weight is very beneficial in getting rid of toxins. Your stored fat is converted to triglycerides (fat in your blood) and is used as energy and excreted through sweat, urinating, bowel movements and even when we exhale. This is how the toxins are removed.

This may make you want to go on a restrictive diet or a purely liquid detox diet but these are usually counter-productive because they deprive your body of essential nutrients it needs to function. The most effective are the ones where lipolysis (break down of fat) occurs. Because toxins are hidden in the fat cells. This fat cell should burst in order to release those stubborn toxins.

Sources of Toxins

Toxins are everywhere these days and some sources may surprise you:

Heavy metals: Mercury is a big problem. We get it from the seafood that we eat especially from fish like tuna, salmon, and swordfish. Fish like anchovies have the least amount at 1- 10 parts per billion, which is 1000 times lower than these other fish. We even get it from fillings (amalgam) put into our teeth, though, many dentists are no longer using these fillings.
Does this say that we should not eat this superfood tuna? The answer is that whenever I eat tuna after some hours I will take cocumut cjrcol or chlorella to bind these toxins before they are accumulated in the body.

Foods: Other foods that contribute is rice. Rice is high in arsenic, especially brown rice. While arsenic is found in other grains and vegetables too, rice by far has the highest content. When oils are cooked at temperatures above their smoke point, this also produces toxins. Read here about cooking your food correctly to boost your health rather than ruining it.

Medications: Perscription medications can accumulate in our bodies. Usually, this happens as people get older but because they accumulate in our fat, it can happen to younger people too.

Beauty products: It’s not only beauty products that contain toxins, but even common things like soap, shampoo, and toothpaste can contain toxins. These toxins build up over time. One of the culprits in the spotlight is sunscreen, and many other lotions and products contain some of the same harmful toxins. Learn which to avoid here.

Cleaning products: Cleaning products are full of chemicals that cause irritations and some interfere with our hormones. These chemicals can also build up in our bodies.

Mold: Mold in our homes and office buildings have a terrible effect on our health. Toxic black mold is especially harmful. Read here about safe and natural ways to clean mold. Remove Heavy Metals From Your Body

Radiation: EMF or electromagnetic frequencies are all around us. They are emitted by all digital devices and anything that uses electricity of some sort. Wi-fi routers, computers, cell phones, televisions, airplanes, and power lines are just some of the things that produce EMF. Learn to protect you and your family from the dangers of EMF here.

Pollution: Pollution, especially air pollution is a big problem. Cars and trucks, airplanes, even ships release carbon monoxide and other gasses. During festive times, fireworks are a problem. Even farms, especially beef farms emit a lot of methane gasses. Our soils are also polluted and full of pesticides and our oceans are full of plastic, oil, and other rubbish.

Symptoms of Toxins in Your Body

Toxins do not always lead to a disease, it can take many years for this to happen, but you could be experiencing some of the following problems that detract from your quality of life. It’s most common for there to be a problem in phase II of the detoxification process which takes place in the liver. This causes waste and toxins to build up in your body.

Symptoms of Waste Build Up in Your Body Include:
Full Body Detoxification, natural full body detoxification, detoxification of body, detoxification process, how to detoxification your body

Brain fog/Poor memory
Body odor/Bad breath
Sinus congestion or other sinus issues
Menstrual problems
Trouble losing weight
Thyroid problems

The symptoms cover a wide range of things because toxins can affect so many different areas of your body including your hormones. Some toxins can cause estrogen dominance which can cause many unpleasant problems. The problem is that toxins act like xenoestrogens in some cases. But some chemicals can also affect men and boys too.

Common Detox Methods

There are many methods you can use that are safe and easy. Some forms are more aggressive and caution needs to be taken to follow the instructions properly. Then there are some that are just plain unhealthy.

Avoid these detox methods:

Extreme amounts of fiber and laxative teas: There are supplements that are available on the market to detox your system, particularly your digestive system or colon. Once you take them you need to visit the toilet several times a day. Not only do you lose electrolytes, but you will struggle to fully absorb nutrients from your food too.
Juice cleanse: This involves drinking only vegetable and fruit juices for several days at a time. Some people even do these detox weeks at a time. The number of calories in these juices are not enough to sustain your body properly. Another issue is that all the fiber is removed. If you use just fruit, you are pumping your body full of sugar.
The master cleanses: Drinking only two tablespoons maple syrup, two tablespoons lemon juice, and 1/6 teaspoon cayenne pepper a couple times a day is not healthy especially if this is all you drink for 10 days in a row and you incorporate a laxative tea as well. You risk nutritional deficiencies and starvation.
Enemas: I am not against enemas, but if you are pulling so many toxins in the blood at once, pls stick them to charcoal.
These types of methods can have long-lasting effects on your health and not in a good way. You may lose muscle mass, upset your hormone balance, cause an electrolytes balance, and/or become weak and lethargic.

You may lose weight quickly on these cleanses or detoxes, but your metabolism will slow down because your body is trying to prevent you from starving. This does not help you to maintain a healthy weight long-term. People who do these cleanses regularly are putting their health in danger. Source



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