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Heavy Metals, Natural Chelation

Medicardium | Safely Cleanse Heavy Metals Like Mercury | Lead | Aluminum |
Arsenic |  Cadmium | Uranium and Nickel from the Body With Chelation Therapy


Natural Chelation Detox

EDTA Chelation Therapy

Heavy Metal Detox Supplements

In 2008, I had my amalgam fillings removed, followed by two intravenous DMPS chelation treatments one month apart. Both treatments left me bedridden for three weeks, and I decided to just forget about heavy metals for awhile. I was desperate to regain my health and continued researching chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia. During the ensuing months and years, I completed extensive bowel, liver and parasite cleanses, but saw little overall improvement.

In August, 2014 I was already well into Herbal Lyme Protocol. I switched over to the Wahls Paleo Diet , started making for breakfast and began to feel better. I felt lighter, brighter and had more energy. It was a subtle but noticeably steady improvement. The Wahls Paleo Diet suggests eating 3 cups of sulfur-rich vegetables, 3 cups of greens and 3 cups of colored vegetables per day. Looking back, I realize that not only was I getting much-needed vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes; I was also chelating heavy metals slowly and easily from my system. This was my natural answer to DMPS.

It wasn't until later that I realized what had transpired. I am grateful to have found something this effective and gentle. Nature has all of the most powerful medicines to restore us when we have crossed over into poor diet, toxic overload and bad lifestyle choices. The body is a self-healing system . It decides when to let go of toxins and heavy metals, when to take care of infections, healing itself in the order that it sees fit. I was finally giving it the super nutrition and detoxification that it needed to self-heal. It was so amazing to experience going from a housebound state to walking many miles per day in just a few months time.

Here are the foods that are known to chelate heavy metals as well as nourish the body. This is the best chelating medicine I know of, with many other side-benefits as well.

Sulfur rich foods Onions and garlic are helpful for eliminating the heavy metal lead. Cauliflower, eggs, Brussels sprouts and cabbage are also sulfur-rich, and beneficial for removing heavy metals.

I eat onions and garlic on a daily basis. They are easy to incorporate into so many dishes. I love eating raw purple onion in my salads.

Sea Vegetables - Seaweed contains many valuable minerals and trace elements including calcium, copper, chromium, iron, iodine, lithium, manganese, magnesium, potassium, selenium, silicon, sulfur, vanadium and zinc. It also provides B group vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6,B9) and vitamins A,C, E, and K. Other useful compounds include alginates, which are very helpful in increasing the elimination of solvents, plastics, heavy metals and even radioactivity in the body.

I took 10 kelp tablets for a total of (2.25mg) of iodine for the first year on Dr. Wahls Paleo Diet. It was a simple way to incorporate much-needed iodine into my daily routine. I continue to take 6 capsules daily for a total of 1.35 mg of iodine as a maintenance dose now that I am in remission. Most people today are iodine deficient. This is contributing to thyroid disorders. I was hypothyroid for most of my adult life. Iodine is extremely important for those battling chronic infections.

Cilantro - This is a powerful and affordable option for removal of toxic metals. The chemical compounds found in cilantro bind to toxic metals and remove them from tissues. Many report a reduction in symptoms associated with heavy metal toxicity after frequent use of cilantro in the diet over and extended period of time. Get Chelation Treatments With EDTA

I use cilantro often in pico de gallo a raw salad dish consisting of cilantro, onions, tomato, jalapeno peppers and lime juice. This is probably my favorite way to incorporate lots of cilantro into my weekly diet. It is a beautiful addition to so many different meals (and parasites hate peppers and onions). I have never used a cilantro tincture, as I always prefer the real whole food form.

Chlorella - Chlorella, spirulina, and wheatgrass are great foods packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These and other chlorophyll-dense superfoods remove metal toxins that build up in organs, increase oxygen levels, repair damaged tissue, and boost the immune system. Their ability to remove toxic metals from organs assists the body efforts to remove heavy metal buildup.

I have used chlorella off and on over the years. Somehow, I am not naturally drawn to this supplement. Many have reported that it has helped them immensely and should be considered for heavy metal detox.

Complete Amino acids Animal protein sources contain all the amino acids the human body needs. Vegetarians must take special care to combine grains and legumes to obtain complete proteins.

We buy our beef, chicken and eggs from local organic farmers. In this way, we are assured of a clean source of proteins. I eat about 16 oz of animal protein per day. We include organ meats once per week and wild caught fish once per week. When in Mexico, I eat much less red meat and more readily available fish. 

Pectin - Phyllis Balch reports in her Prescription for Natural Healing that pectin is good for diabetics, removes toxins and heavy metals, lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of gallstones. Pectin is found in apples, bananas, the rinds of citrus fruits (lemons, oranges and grapefruit), carrots, beets, cabbage and okra.

I eat apples often and still believe that an apple per day will keep the doctor away. I also eat my fair share of carrots, beets, cabbage and oranges.

I am now in remission from Lyme disease and other co-infections since November, 2014. I will continue to use food as medicine for the rest of my life. I feel stronger as the months go by and am in the rebuilding phase of my healing journey. Eating the above foods along with lots of sweating in a hot climate and drinking plenty of water have reduced my heavy metal load considerably. I test for heavy metals twice per year via hair tissue mineral analysis. Source








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