Pokegeshi: Ammonia detox
Microbiome pH
Bifidus recovery
Ingredients: A proprietary blend of pomegranate rind, geranium flower, pine bark extract, persimmon tannins, hibiscus flower, cranberry extract and galacto-oligosaccharides. All ingredients organic whenever available.
General maintenance: 1 to 3 capsules with meals may support a stool pH ≤6.5.
Gas for 21 days is possible as the microbiome resets.
Support acidic stool pH
Pokegeshi: Ammonia detox
Microbiome pH
Bifidus recovery
Ingredients: A proprietary blend of pomegranate rind, geranium flower, pine bark extract, persimmon tannins, hibiscus flower, cranberry extract and galacto-oligosaccharides. All ingredients organic whenever available.
General maintenance: 1 to 3 capsules with meals may support a stool pH ≤6.5.
Gas for 21 days is possible as the microbiome resets.
Support acidic stool pH