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Rejuvelon Antioxidant Support Complex

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If we live long enough, there are certain indignities that we will experience.
Our hair will turn grey, getting thinner and thinner until it disappears completely.
Our skin will thin, sag and wrinkle…and for men, erections will become weaker and weaker until they are no longer possible at all.

Scientists tell us that all four of these ‘indignities of aging’ are caused by increasing levels of free radicals in our bodies as we age, and a failure of our natural antioxidant systems to deal with them. It has been suggested that if we can lower our free radical levels back to those we had in our youth by a combination of making less of them and being more efficient at neutralizing those we do make, that we might age slower, and in some cases actually age backwards.

So, if we are going to take up this challenge and try to age backwards, we are going to have to learn about free radicals, both how they are produced and how they are neutralized. So let us begin at the beginning. What are free radicals anyway?

Free radicals are highly unstable chemical compounds that try to react with whatever they meet. We’ve learned to use harness free radical reactions to manufacture useful items like nylons, plastics, paints and adhesives. Unfortunately, inside the body, free radical reactions are not always beneficial. While we do need a certain amount of free radicals to fight infections and detoxify ourselves, as we age we end up with too many free radicals… and in all the wrong places.

What are the wrong places? Well, when free radicals react with hair follicles, we get grey hair and hair loss, when they react in our face we get thin and wrinkled skin, and when they react with the hormone nitric oxide, we get weak or non existent erections.

I find that a useful way to think about free radicals is to compare them to fire. Both free radicals and fire alter what they react with, and both are capable of chain reactions. What I mean by this is that even though you might only light a single match, if you don’t have a fire extinguisher on hand, that one match could result in your whole house burning to the ground. The fire grows with time until all the fuel is used up. That is a chain reaction.

The same is true with free radicals. Even though you might only have a little free radical activity, if you don’t have a way to deal with it, it will cause a chain reaction in the body that is what we call aging. Now this free radical fire, this chain reaction won’t take place in a matter of hours like a house burning down, it takes decades, but it is the same thing, it just happens in slow motion.

Also, like a fire, it gets bigger and bigger over time. This is why people don’t see much aging from 30 to 40, a bit more from 40 to 50, then from 50 on it seems to accelerate out of control.

Every year we age faster than the year before. Aging is like a slow motion fire inside our bodies that grows exponentially until we wake up one day in our 80’s, look in the mirror and wonder where that young person we used to be went.

In keeping with this fire analogy, if we want to stop and reverse the aging process, we need to do three things.

We need to light less matches, that is, lower our source of our free radicals as far as possible.

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Second, we need some kind of biological fire extinguishers for the matches we still light and the fires they create. That will be a mix of antioxidants that can extinguish these free radical fires before they get out of control.

Finally, we need a way to repair the damage that these free radical fires caused in our bodies. This is because unless we start this program in our twenties, we are going to have some level of aging damage that has already occurred. Also, no matter how good we are at preventing free radical damage from occurring, some will still take place and it is good to be able to do some repair work.

Alright, let’s get to it. Let’s learn how to deal with free radicals and the aging they cause.

While there are many free radicals in the body, we’re going to focus on the three most associated with aging.

These are the superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals. If we go back to the fire analogy, superoxide radicals are like matches or sparks. They aren’t too damaging themselves, but they can start fires that can get out of control.
Hydrogen peroxide would be like a small fire. Now some real damage is being done, but it is still manageable and the repair work is managable.

The last free radical, the hydroxyl radical is like a 5 alarm fire. This is the one that can burn the whole house to the ground. Hydroxyl radicals are real trouble.

Let’s begin with the superoxide radical. It is the most common and least dangerous of the three.

Superoxide is simply an oxygen molecule with an extra electron on it and it gets formed in 4 different ways.

First, certain metals called Transition Metals can turn normal oxygen like what you are breathing right now into superoxide radicals. These include toxic metals like mercury, nickel and cadmium as well as metals we need in our diet like iron, zinc, copper and manganese if we get too much of them. So our first step is to remove toxic and excess transition metals from our bodies.

One of the most effective ways to do this is through a process called chelation therapy. We have a product called Medicardium that supports the body in removing these metals and we talk about it in on another track of this CD set so if you want to know more about metal detoxification, then consider listening to that audio.

Now the second way that superoxide radicals are created is by our own white blood cells. It turns out that when a white blood cell wants to kill a microbe, it creates the superoxide radical to kill it. This is done by an enzyme called NADPH in the white blood cell membrane. What this means is that as long as we have chronic infections in our bodies, we have a second source of superoxide radicals.
Many of us have chronic low grade infections of our mucous membranes without knowing it. These include places like our sinuses, teeth, intestines and uro-genital tracts. Unfortunately, research now shows even a single course of antibiotics can cause a low grade chronic intestinal infection called a biofilm infection that can be very difficult to eradicate. We have a product that called Ellagica that is discussed in this cd set that explains about how to support the body in resolving acute infections and chronic biofilms, so if you want to know more about that topic, then consider listening to those audios as well.

Okay, if you’ve listened to the Medicardium and Ellagica audios, then you know how we can deal with toxic metals and infections, now let’s talk about the third source of superoxide radicals.

The third is caused by ultraviolet exposure so if you are going outside on a very sunny day, perhaps a hat is in order.

Now the last one is a little trickier, because it is caused just by being alive. Simply the act of eating, breathing and moving creates superoxide radicals.

This is because every cell in our body uses oxygen and as it does so, it occasionally misfires and makes a superoxide radical in the process.

When we are young, only happens about .01% of the time, that is 1 out of every 10,000 times, but as we age that number can approach 2%. Even 2% may not seem like a lot but if you consider that a single muscle cell recycles 10 million adenosine tri phosphate molecules per second, at 2% that means it makes 200,000 superoxide radicals will be created every second. Now muscle cells can be pretty active so let’s say that the average cell is only 1/10th as active as a muscle cell.

This means that if we have about 40 trillion cells in our bodies, we would can make up to 800 quadrillion superoxide radicals made per second. That’s an 8 with 17 zeroes after it.

So, even if we get rid of toxic metals and chronic infections and stay out of intense sunlight, we are still making lots of superoxide radicals and we don’t want to. Why not?

Even though superoxides aren’t the most reactive of all the free radicals, they do cause a few problems. First, they react with skin causing wrinkles. This is done through a process called cross-linking. You see, our skin is made from polymers, that is to say strings, of collagen. When superoxide radicals react with the collagen strings in our skin, they knock off hydrogen atoms from the strings. The places where the hydrogen atoms get knocked off become sticky. If one sticky spot meets another sticky spot, well, they stick together. This is what causes wrinkles. Superoxide makes our skin stick together internally.

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A second problem with the superoxide radical is that that it destroys nitric oxide, the compound required for erections and hair growth.

Now a lot of men in their 40’s will say they have no erection problems, but if you ask them if their erections are as strong as when they were teenagers, they will have to admit that they are not. This is due to increasing levels of the superoxide radicals as a man gets older.

…and this same nitric oxide that gives a man strong erections is also responsible for stimulating hair to grow in both men and women. As nitric oxide levels decrease, hair becomes thinner and thinner until, if we live long enough, it will disappear completely.

If this weren’t bad enough, not only do superoxide radicals destroy nitric oxide, they ends up creating the powerful toxin and free radical peroxynitrate in the process. This is an example of a spark or match (the superoxide radical) creating a fire (the peroxynitrate molecule. …then to add insult to injury, peroxynitrite radicals eventually turn into nitrite and nitrate, which we know cause cancer. We could talk about how low levels of nitric oxide are also associated with lethal heart attacks but that is for another audio. Let’s get back to aging.

So it’s clear, if we want youthful skin, a full head of hair and strong erections, we need to limit the amount of superoxide radicals in the body. We need a fire extinguisher for the quadrillions of superoxide ‘sparks’ that we make every second, and that fire extinguisher is the antioxidant superoxide dismutase.

Superoxide dismutase, or SOD for short, is the antioxidant enzyme that our bodies make to turn superoxide radicals back into normal oxygen. SOD is so effective that one SOD molecule can break down 2 billion superoxide molecules per second..

But SOD doesn’t just turn superoxide molecules into normal oxygen, it actually alternates back and forth between between turning superoxide molecules into normal oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, so you see SOD is both a blessing and a curse. When it turns a superoxide radical into normal oxygen, the free radical has been quenched, but when it turns the superoxide radical into hydrogen peroxide, now we have the hydrogen peroxide to deal with and hydrogen peroxide can be worse than the superoxide radical. If superoxides are the sparks, the hydrogen peroxides are a small fire. So let’s talk about the second major free radical associated with aging, namely hydrogen peroxide.

The hydrogen peroxide that accumulates in the body is the same hydrogen peroxide that you find in the pharmacy to disinfect wounds and bleach hair and indeed, it has the same effect internally that it does externally.

Science tells us that in addition to making superoxide radicals to fight infections, white blood cells also make hydrogen peroxide to do the same thing.

You see, the very thing that makes free radicals so damaging to us is also what we use to kill infections.

This is a great system when we are young. If we get an infection, our white blood cells make free radicals right on the spot to kill them, then the free radicals are neutralized by our antioxidant system and we are back to normal. Unfortunately what happens as we age is that we make less and less antioxidants to neutralize the free radicals and they build up in our system, and we
now know that it is a build up of this same hydrogen peroxide that is the cause of grey hair. You see, high levels of hydrogen peroxide in the body actually bleach our hair from the inside out.

So, if we want to keep from going grew or possible return our hair to its original color, we’re going to have to deal with hydrogen peroxide.

Now grey hair is simply a cosmetic issue but it would be a mistake to think that hydrogen peroxide only causes grey hair. This same bleaching action happens everywhere as we age. One example would be the effects of bleaching the lens of our eyes. This results in cataracts. So you see, it’s not just about grey hair, it’s about aging in general.

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We know that hydrogen peroxide is made from the breakdown of superoxides and by our immune system, but the largest source of hydrogen peroxide in the body is usually from another source, and that is our response to chemical toxins.

You see, one of the ways that our bodies deal with chemical toxins is to break them down with hydrogen peroxide. Every cell in our body has these little organelles called peroxisomes and their job is to create hydrogen peroxide to break down chemical toxins. This work very well, but we end up with hydrogen peroxide as a result and again it can start to build up in our tissues. A better way to deal with chemical toxicity might be to remove the chemicals with something called glutathione which doesn’t create hydrogen peroxide. We do make a product with glutathione in it to support chemical detoxification called Xeneplex and if you want to know more about it, we discuss it on the audio set.

So we can lower our hydrogen peroxide levels by dealing with chronic infections and chemical toxicity but what if we want to lower our hydrogen peroxide levels directly? What is the ‘fire extinguisher’ for hydrogen peroxide? It’s called the enzyme antioxidant catalase.

Just like the body makes superoxide dismutase, or SOD to break down the superoxide radical, it makes the antioxidant enzyme catalase to break down hydrogen peroxide. In fact, just one molecule of catalase can break down 4 million hydrogen peroxide molecules per second.

So, to deal with hydrogen peroxide we need to deal lower superoxide levels decrease chronic infections, remove chemical toxins.
and increase our catalase levels.

However, no matter how diligent we are, some hydrogen peroxide may still accumulate in the body long enough to turn into the worse of all free radicals and that is the hydroxyl molecule.

Just like hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 is a water molecule, H2O, with an extra oxygen atom, a hydroxyl radical a water molecule missing an hydrogen atom. It is simply HO.

Hydroxyl radicals are formed when a hydrogen peroxide molecule, a transition metal like mercury or iron and a superoxide radical all react together.

If hydroxide radicals are like sparks or matches and hydrogen peroxide is like a small fire, then the hydroxyl radical is like a 5 alarm fire. The hydroxyl radical can and will react with anything in its path. It is one of the most powerful free radicals we know of.

Now there are only two ways to get rid of the hydroxyl radical once it forms. One is to breath in hydrogen gas in small amounts. The hydrogen reacts with the hydroxyl radical turning it into water. Many clinics in Asia are now offering this as a therapy. This however is tricky business since hydrogen gas is odorless, colorless and highly explosive, so unless you are the mad scientist type, you might not want a tank of hydrogen gas in your garage. The other way is to use the antioxidant enzyme melatonin. Melatonin is the ‘fire extinguisher’ the body makes to deal with the hydroxyl radical and it can break down millions of hydroxyl radicals every second, but we now know it has as an additional benefit as well.

Remember how we talked about how collagen in our skin cross links together, literally becoming glued together by free radicals creating thereby wrinkles? Well, scientists now tell us that melatonin can actually dissolve the glue that is making our skin cross link and wrinkle.

It turns out that wrinkles or cross linking as it is known scientifically is more than just a cosmetic issue. This is because it’s not just skin that wrinkles from free radical damage, any protein can cross link in this manner, including our DNA.

When our DNA crosslinks, it causes mutations. In the best case scenario, these mutations just mean that the cell with the cross linked DNA can’t do it’s job but in a worst case scenario it can cause cancers.

So, why haven’t we heard about all of this before? Manufacturers have tried making pills with superoxide dismutase, catalase and melatonin in them, but what these manufacturers didn’t take into consideration was that, catalase and superoxide don’t survive. Fortunately, suppositories overcome this limitation.

Suppositories bypass the stomach acids and enzymes of the digestive system, and can be delivered intact into the body.

That’s why we make Rejuvelon suppositories. Each Rejuvelon suppository contains superoxide dismutase, catalase and melatonin to help put out these free radical fires in the body as well as possibly reverse some of the damage they have created.

We started by talking about 4 of the indignities of aging but with the exception of wisdom gained, all aging is an unwelcome breakdown of the body.

Who wouldn’t want the strength, flexibility, endurance, resilience and general vitality we had in our youth.

Thanks to modern medicine, we are now living longer than ever before, but with so many metal and chemical toxins as well as chronic infections, we are also aging faster than ever before as well. The increased levels of chronic and inflammatory diseases we are experiencing as a species are all related to increases in free radical levels in our bodies. So, let’s enjoy the blessings of a long life and good heath.

If you are interested in keeping or possibly regenerating natural hair thickness and color, rebuilding collagen and clearing up skin wrinkles, and having enough nitric oxide in your body to have a healthy sex life, or just getting younger in general contact us Toll Free 1(888)449-0552 . Rejuvelon suppositories… again made optional.

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