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Breast Cancer and Hormones



Hormone Therapy

Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast Cancer and hormones: get yourself aware of a life taking disease called Breast Cancer! Know some facts about breast cancer; types of breast cancer in women; causes of the deadly cancer and the impact of hormones on breast cancer.


Considered to be a malignant tumor (when a number of cancer cells get collected), Breast cancer is caused in the breast cells. Although predominantly occurring in women, breast cancer can also affect many men. There is a close relationship between breast cancer and hormones.


You should be aware of the whereabouts of breast cancer and hormones affecting it. Most of the breast cancers are highly sensitive to the estrogen hormone. In other words, it means that breast cancer and hormones like estrogen causes the tumor to spread and grow. Such kinds of cancers comprises of receptors of estrogen on the cellular surface of their tissues.

They are referred to as estrogen receptor-positive cancer or ER-positive cancer.


Breast cancer can be noninvasive or invasive. Invasive means the cancer has spread starting from the milk ducts or lobules to the other cells and tissues of the breast. Non-invasive means the cancer has not yet been able to invade other breast tissues.


Immune System


Some facts about Breast Cancer

  • The most common form of cancer found in American women today is Breast cancer.

  • Breast cancer and hormones have a close relationship as hormones like estrogen might worsen the cancer cells.

  • Several kinds of breast cancer exists differing in the capability and capacity of spreading (metastasize) to the other body organs and tissues.

  • The causes pertaining to breast cancer have not been known fully although many risk factors have been explored and identified.

  • The diagnosis of Breast cancer can be done with the help of physician as well as self-examining of the breasts, ultrasound testing, mammography and biopsy.

  • Treatment and cure of breast cancer depends upon the type of cancer and the stage it is in (how much it has spread in your body).

  • Over 2.5 and more million breast cancer survivors are there in the United States.

  • Having a baseline mammogram by a woman between the ages of 35 and 40 years should be done. Between the ages of 40 and 50 years, mammograms are advised every alternative year. After the age 50 years, yearly mammograms should be undergone.



Types of breast cancer


Several different kinds of breast cancer exist. Breast cancer and hormones are highly related. Some are rare, while some are common, and there even exists combinations of cancers. Some common types of breast cancer are stated as follows:

  • In situ ductal carcinoma: this is the most common kind of non-invasive breast cancer called ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). This kind of breast cancer does not spread and hence usually the chances of getting cured are high.

  • Invasive ductal carcinoma: starting in a breast duct, this cancer then start growing and spreading to the surrounding tissues. One of the most common type of breast cancer, it grows more when breast cancer and hormones like estrogen increases. Around 80% of the invasive type of breast cancers comprise of invasive ductal carcinoma.

  • Invasive lobular carcinoma: starting in the breast glands that are responsible for producing milk, this breast cancer type forms about 10% of the total invasive breast cancers.

Immune System

The remaining breast cancers are little rare and are described below:

  • Mucinous carcinoma: this breast cancer type occurs from the cancer cells producing mucus.

  • Mixed tumors: Is a type of breast cancer that comprises of different cell types.

  • Medullary carcinoma: is a breast cancer type that infiltrates with well-defined boundaries lying between the noncancerous and the cancerous tissue.

  • Inflammation in breast cancer: because of this cancer, the skin of the breast turns red and feels warm (just like a skin infection). This is because of the blocking of lymph vessels that is done by the cancer cells.

  • Breast cancers that are Triple-negative: a sub-category of the invasive cancer and affected by breast cancer and hormones that contains cells lacking in progesterone and estrogen receptors and having no excess of a special protein (HER2) on the cell surface. This cancer appears more frequently in younger women as well as American-African women.

  • Paget's disorder of the nipple: This cancer starting in the breast ducts spreads towards the area of the nipples as well as region in close proximity with the nipples. It usually makes the breast look crusted and red around the area of the nipple.

  • Adenoid cystic carcinoma: These cancers comprises of both cystic and glandular features. They do not spread aggressively and hence have a better prognosis.

Immune System


Impact of hormones on breast cancer

Every woman must be aware of the basics of breast cancer and hormones that have an impact on it. There are many studies showing the influence of breast cancer and hormones on the daily lives of many women. Hormonal therapy is recommended for those women who are suffering from breast cancer and hormones level such as estrogen in their body is high.

Endosterol is a leading herbal therapy that can regulate your hormonal levels and can possibly relieve your symptoms of breast cancer and stabilize hormone levels.

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